Web Hosting​

All our hosting plans come with free hosting support. Our data centers are equipped with a wide range of power management, cooling, network access equipment and security systems including biometric access control, security cameras, and our on premise security staff. All of our facilities feature redundant power regulation systems, battery systems, diesel generators and air conditioning systems which are all critical to ensuring continuous uptime and availability. Connectivity to the Internet is assured by multiple dark fiber rings into our data centers’ telco rooms through diverse entry points. Multi-gigabit connectivity is used to link our data centers to each other and then to connect upstream providers to our network.

AwareIM Hosting​ is an active developer on the AwareIM platform and has built many applications for various companies and organizations. If you have an AwareIM application developed by and do not want to run it on your own server(s), offers attractive AwareIM hosting plans, that not only releaves you from network management tasks, but also saves money on buying AwareIM licenses.